Base Sustainability

The Base Sustainability and Community Affairs Standing Committee primary responsibility is to protect North Carolina’s existing military installations and missions from incompatible development, degradation, or other adverse actions.

Members of the Base Sustainability and Community Affairs Committee are encouraged to engage with key partners through a coordination and planning process that seeks to monitor, track progress, and resolve issues, problems, or threats that have been identified as potentially adversely impacting military installations, missions, or training. A key objective of this committee is to identify incompatible development, encroachment, environmental issues and other current or future problems or threats to installations, ranges or training activities before they occur.

The Base Sustainability and Community Affairs Committee serves as a clearing house for initiatives and activities that are related to protecting military installations from incompatible development or encroachment and improving infrastructure supporting sustainability initiatives and protecting NC’s military ranges and low level routes. This committee will maintain awareness of initiatives, state and federal programs, and other activities that may impact the sustainability of military installations in North Carolina and determine the applicability of these programs to all installations in the state.

Supporting actions:

At least once each quarter and prior to the full Commission quarterly meeting, members of the Base Sustainability and Community Affairs Committee meets with or contact installation commanders, the Assistant Secretary of Military Affairs, NC Working Lands Group, and the Military Affairs Awareness Coordinators from State agencies, regional planning groups, or others as required to determine if there are any new threats to military installations or missions. Commissioners designated as community representatives should take the lead on this action.

The Base Sustainability and Community Affairs Committee coordinates with state agencies, communities, installations, the NC Sentinel Landscapes Steering Committee, NC Working Lands Group, and other organizations as necessary to develop and maintain a comprehensive and accurate list, updated quarterly, of actual or potential threats to military installations that include incompatible development, encroachment or other activities, construction, developments, environmental issues or initiatives that could adversely affect military training and other missions. The status of each potential or actual threat will be maintained and progress toward resolution, recommendations or other actions will be included.

The Base Sustainability and Community Affairs Committee supports state agencies, such as the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for environmental or compatible land use issues, the NC Department of Transportation on roads and infrastructure issues, or other groups or agencies to take the lead or assist with resolving problems that have been identified. Recommendations and advice to the Secretary of the DMVA will normally be generated through committee actions for review and approval by the Executive Steering Group and the full Commission.