Press Releases

Download Governor Cooper's 2021 Veterans Day Proclamation.
Download Governor Cooper's 2021 Marine Corp Birthday Proclamation.
Governor Roy Cooper has proclaimed November 11 as Veterans Day to honor North Carolina’s veterans who have served our state and country.
North Carolina Department of Military & Veterans Affairs (NCDMVA) Secretary Walter E. Gaskin today released a video message in advance of Veterans Day, recognizing North Carolina’s and America’s veterans for their service to our country:
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper this week issued a proclamation declaring the celebration “National Veterans and Military Families Month.”
Today, NCDMVA announced several key activities this week in connection with Governor Cooper’s proclamation of November as Veterans and Military Families month.
North Carolina will celebrate “Employ A Veteran Week,” Nov. 8-12, with a variety of events to help connect veterans to jobs and other services.